KPPSC PMS Solved Essay 2022 | KPPSC Solved PMS Past Papers

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission (KPPSC) conducted PMS Essay Paper 2022. 

We have tried to solved some Essay topics from KPPSC PMS Essay Paper 2022. 


“Nothing Is So Necessary For A Young Man As The Company Of Intelligent Women.”


Men and women are like two wheels of the same cart. Needs of both are interdependent and intermingled. When both cooperate and complement each other, then this cart runs more smoothly and efficiently. The rapid pace of technology has engulfed man in a series of trials & tribulations. So, to cope up with these challenges in a better way the company of a bluestocking can not be more emphasized. This companionship of intelligent women will motivate him when he is dejected, will argue with him when he needs suggestion, will correct him when he is wrong and doesn’t want to be corrected for his defects, will refuse to stand anywhere less than or on par with him if he is going against moral values, and will not only teach him how to converse but how to love. If the idea of such an ideal relationship transformed into a reality then the world would be a much better place to live than today. 

*The Necessity Of The Company Of An Intelligent Woman Or What Would The World See If Man And Intelligent Women Are Accompanied

(Most important and focused part)

*The Absence Of This Ideal Relationship And The Repercussions In The World

*How This Companionship Can Be Facilitated In The Present Era



The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

Life is not a bed of roses it often throws all and sundry into countless challenges and battles and only those people come out victorious from such battles for whom these challenges are not altogether new but a part of series already active in their life. Their proactive thinking and  pre-emptive trainings in the time of peace enable them to face difficult situation and take the bull by the horns in the time of war. Contrary to this, if people are used to fast living and only act when there is an imminent threat or a calamity falls upon them then such impromptu and on the spur-of-the-moment actions hardly afflict them and leave them in the lurch. History presents a myriad of examples which support this statement. 

*Benefits Of Preparing For Difficult Times In Advance

*Repercussions Of Facing Difficult Times Only When They Comes 

*Lessons From History 



Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people.

Explaining something clearly is an art. Since the origin of man on this earth, to unravel the mysteries of the universe out of curiosity, man has struggled, and he has imbibed knowledge & wisdom. At the same time he has conveyed and transferred this knowledge to his fellow man for the common benefit sometimes explicitly and sometimes in an implicit manner. Out of this whole activity the most benefited knowledge is that which was delivered and communicated in a clearly understandable way. As communication entails a lot of barriers then it must be kept in mind that these barriers can minimise the effectiveness of the message. In the past, various prophets understood the messages of gods and interpreted them in an easily understandable way to the common people and in the present, the same should be the strategy for the information being delivered and being published today anywhere in the world so that layman and novice could also understand and comprehend those ideas. 

*Why Thinking And Transferring Knowledge Is Necessary?

*What Happens When There Are Barriers To Effective Communication

*Benefits of Communicating Effectively



Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men

Man is a composite of two things i.e. body and spirit. Advancement in technology has blessed bodily part with numerous blessings as everything at our disposal for our bodily needs but, at the same time, we have totally neglected our second part i.e. spirit. The result of which are  the confused and misguided people. Although, they have excelled in technology with nuclear warheads and guided missiles but, spiritually they are feeble. Repercussions of this neglect can also be gauged from the fact that despite such a rapid advancement in scientific power a majority of humanity is on the verge of collapse. Patterns of frustration, dejection and melancholy can be seen in individuals and, patterns of various crises can be observed by analysing the dire situation in different areas of the world. By only considering human as a composite of both i.e. body and spirit and giving the other part of human nature i.e. spirit its due value we can reverse such patterns and only then the process of transition from unguided humanity to guided and compassionate humanity can be accelerated.

*Evidence Of How Our Scientific Power Has Outrun Our Spiritual Power 

*Repercussions Of Neglecting The Important Second Part Of Human Nature

*How We Can Reverse The Process And Turn This World Into A Better Place


I tried to decode the 04 essays only for practice so errors and omissions are expected and accepted too.


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