Assistant Director (AD) FIA Past Paper MCQs Solved with Answers


Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) is going to conduct examinations from July 2022.

 The candidates who are looking for FPSC Solved Past Papers MCQs should follow our instructions and links provided here. 

Today, We will upload FPSC Assistant Director (AD) Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Past Paper Solved MCQs with answers. 

We have already uploaded some solved FPSC past paper mcqs that can be downloaded from below given links.

  1. FIA Sub-Inspector and ASI Past Papers 

FPSC FIA Assistant Director (AD) solved mcqs have been posted here. 


FPSC FIA Assistant Director (Everyday Science) Solved Past Paper with Answers

1. The planet which has the longest day is Venus. 

2. Moon light reaches to earth in 1.3 seconds. 

3. The scientific study of teeth is called Odontology. 

4. The age of the solar system is approximately 4.5 billion years. 

5. A unit of Length equal to the average distance between the Earth and Sun

is called? Astronomical Unit 

6. An eclipse for the sun occurs when? Earth casts its shadow on the moon 

7. Ozone Layer protects earth from _sent by the Sun? Ultraviolet Rays 

8. Ozone Layer is present about 30 Miles (50 Km) in atmosphere above earth. The start layer of atmosphere in which ozone layer lies is called as: Stratosphere 

9. Planet of the Solar System has maximum numbers of moons is Jupiter 

10. Age of Solar System approximately is? 7.5 Billion Years 

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11. Which Rocks are formed by alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure? Igneous Rocks 

12. Most abundant Natural Iron Oxides are? Hematite and Pyrite 

13. Most Abundant Element in Sea Water is? Chlorine 

14. The unit of home electricity energy consumption is Killowatt hour 

15. The magnet always points in the same direction, if allowed to move freely i.e. towards North and South poles, because of: Earth is a huge magnet 

16. When sound is reflected from floor, ceiling or a wall, it mixes with the original sound and changes its complexion, it is called: Reverberation 

17. Speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C is_ ? 343 m/s 

18. The most suitable thermometer for measuring boiling point of water is? 

Mercury Thermometer  

19. The density of water is greatest at 4°C 

20. The human brain uses percent of the total oxygen and blood in the body? 20%

FPSC FIA Assistant Director (Islamiat) Solved Past Paper

1. Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A died in 13 Hijrah.

2. Land tax imposed on non-Muslim cultivators / landlords are known as: Kharaj 

3. The first Ummaya Caliph was Ameer Maviyya. 

4. Who raised the flag in a Ghazwa for the first time? Hazrat Hamza 

5. She was alive at the time of “Karbala Tragedy? Hazrat Umm-e-Salma RA 

6. Al-Azhar Mosque was completed in_ _? 972 A.D 

7. The Badshahi Mosque of Lahore was built by Aurangzeb in 1673

8. Jamia Masjid Damascus was built by Walid I. 

9. Hazrat Yousuf (AS) remained in jail for 7 years. 

10. Hzarat Yousaf A.S met his father after the period of 40 years 

11. The grandfather of Hazrat Ayub was Hazrat Loot A.S. 

12. Hazrat Ayub was famous for Patience 

13. Makkah was conquered in 8 AH. 

14. Bait ul Rizwan was made to take revenge of Hazrat Usman. 

15. Adam is the word of which language? Synani 

16. How many Muhajireeen were there at the time of Mawakhat? 45 

17. The nation of Samood was preached by: Hazrat Salih 

18. Bait ul Rizwan was made to take revenge of Hazrat Usman. 

19. Adam is the word of which language? Synani 

20. How many Saheefay was revealed to Hazrat Adrees(AS)? 30


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