GEPCO Past Papers 2022 MCQs GEPCO Test 2022 Solved

If you are searching for GEPCO Past Papers MCQs then here you will get solved past paper of GEPCO Test held in 2022. 

TODAY GEPCO TEST 13 March 2022

Smart series MCQs No.》3,6,19,20,29,33,43,44,45,46,53,58,107,113,166, 277,280, 282, 416, 

1~Power consumed in transmission line is

A v2/R,

B I2R,

C IV, 

D v2/R or I2R or IV, 

2~In gasoline generator, The gasoline Vs air misture ratio is= 

2~The photoelectric 

3~ The superposition theorem uses for

A linear responses only

B non linear resonses only

C linear, non lineae, time invariant responses 

4~The circut which contains one or more than one sources is called

A active circuit

B electrical network

C passive circuit

5~Absoulte resistance can be measured by


C wheatstone bridge

6~The pulsing voltage can be more precisely measeared by

A digital meter

B needle meter

C a meter which can measure resistance too

D digital ohm meter 

7~The material which doesnot allow flow of electrons is called

A insulator

B conductor

C semi conductor 

8~The generator used for arc welding is called

A shunt generator 

B series generator

C cumulatively series gen

D differentiating series gen 

9~The voltages between two ends (less than 10v) is called 

10~The inductor stores______ Field

A magnetic

B electrostatic 

C electromagnetic

D none of the above 

11~In microcomputer the CPU consists of 

A ram, memory, registers

B ALU, register and control registers 

12~The basic type of instrument for measurements

A 2

B 3

C 5 

13~Hub is 

14~Modem is 

15~The data which breaks (into pieces) and recombine at other end (receiving end) is called

A packet switching

B link switching

C server

D protocol 

16~The type of  which transfers audio, video, data and also at a distance through channel

B telecommunication

D teleporting 

17~The terminal voltage of generator changes 

A armature leakage

B armature resistance

C armature reactance

D none of above 

18~The distribution steps down the transmission voltage 

A 11 to 33kv 

19~The number of tubes at the back of refrigerator is called

A condenser tubes

B evaporator tubes 

20~The arranged data which is intangible is called

A program

B software 

C information 

21~In left hand rule, thumbs points in the direction of 

22~After replacment of fuse wire, the fuse wire again blown up, why ____

A high resistance

B large current in circuit 

23~When two compound genertors are operating in parallel and load is transferred from one to other, which is needed

A a resistance in armature

B equalizer connections

C same speed 

24~The tV remote control uses which wave..... infrared 

25~The lose and gain of electrons is called

A ionization

B electrolysis

C ranging

D randomization 

26~The power applied as signal at output is equal to power applied as input is called 

27~There are diiferent types of refrigerators used at different levels, the refrigerator used comercially is of

A 20 ton

B 10 ton

C 5 ton

D 0.1 ton 

28~An oscilloscope generally used for 

29~In submarine power system is transmitted through 

30-For continuity what should be zero?

31-Two resistance in series formula for voltage divider》 vmR1/R1+R2

32- modem defination

33- RAdar full form

34-  settelite microwave, communication or wireless

35- tv uses which rays infra,micro,

36- Pakistan first president

37- first prime minister

38- who gave the name of pak

39- total stages Of Quran

40- database question

41- modem connects?

42- hub connects?

43-  absolute measurement of resistance

44- open loop independent or dependent

45- output is dependent or independent

46- what is Rm

47- HVAC and HVDC question

48- transmission line have 3phase or 1phase

18 below transmission, distribution voltage




49- cheif justice in 2020

50-most refusges which country

51- in Quran how many miracles are mentioned for Hazrat Musa(A.S) 8,9,10,11》9

52-meaning of Burqah or baqrah? Cow

53- meaning of kauthar ? Abundance 

54- CASA-1000, a hydro power project is between which countries pakistan, afghanistan, krzyghstan, ________》tajikistan

55- cheif justice if pakistan from december 2020?

56- CPEC project which connects gawadar to which place in china ?

57- When pakistan became islamic republic of pakistan ? 

23 march 1956 ans 



1 Baqarah means Cow

2 Hazrat Musa A.S. miracles, 9

3 Quran Surah, 114 (Chapters are 30 but Option

4 wasn't there, so 114 was correct)

5 Kauthar means Abundance

6 Different Names of Quran is in, Quran

7 First President, Iskandar Mirza

8 First PM, Liaqat Ali Khan

9 Pakistan Day, 23 March

10 Chief Justice, Gulzar Ahmad

11 Most Refugee Country, Turkey

12 European Country accepting Refugee, Germany

13 Syrian Refugee went to Europe through, Sea

14 CASA 1000, Afghanistan Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Tajikistan

15 CPEC connect Gwadar to, Xinjiang (Kashgar)

16 OIC meeting Country, Pakistan


1) Resistance Inductance and, Capacitance

2) Power absorbed in Resistance, I2R

3) Absolute Measurement of Resistance, Lorentz Method

4) Source Transformation

5) If Voltage is same across every Resistor then, Parallel Connection

6) TV Remote, Infrared Waves

7) Wireless Media (because it includes all the mentioned in question)

8) Two Parallel Shunt Generator, Equalizer Connection

9) Resistance decrease with Temperature, LDR

10) Photoelectric Transducer, Convert Light energy into Electrical energy

11) Vo = AOL ( V+ - V-)

12) In Distribution Transmission Voltage, 33KV to 66 KV (because in primary distribution and secondary transmission, voltages are same i.e. 33 to 66 KV)

13) Tubes at the Back of Refrigerator, Condenser

14) In Microcomputer, Both A & B

15 Inductor store energy in, Magnetic Field

16) Arc Welding Generator, Differentially compounded generator

17) Stray Voltage (less than 10V)

18) Insulator (current flow is very less)

19) Gasoline to Air ratio, 14:1

20) More than one source of energy, Active Network

21) Pulsing Voltage, Digital Meter

22) For current measurement, Open circuit and then connect meter in series with both open ends

23) Continuity Test, Resistance should be zero

24) Voltage Divider for Output Voltage, Vin R2 / R1+R2

25) Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR)

26) Transmission Lines uses, AC 3 Phase and High Voltage

27) In Open Loop, output is independent of input

28) HVDC if there is problem at large level

29) Rm, Trans Resistance

30) Modem, hardware device that converts data from a digital format into a format suitable for an analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio

31) Hub, hardware device for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment

32) Gain or Loss of Electron, Ionization

33) Dependent Sources, 4

34) Left Hand Rule Thumb, direction of Force

35) Oscilloscope, used to display Waveform

36) Submarine, HVDC

37) Arrange data in intelligible form, Information

38) Fuse again blow out, Circuit current is too high

39) Data into pieces, Packet Switching

40) Type which transfer audio video and data through medium, Telecommunication

41) Terminal Voltage reduce due to, Armature Reactance

42) Induction Motor, 5

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